Lani Lynn Vale has had an amazing 2016 year! Publishing 14 novels and attending numerous Book Signings around the US and meeting hundreds of readers, bloggers and fellow authors. She has had a memorable 2016 and we want to revisit all the novels she has published this year. Day 3 we are taking a look back at The Uncertain Saints MC Series!!
“Five smooches for Lani Lynn Vale’s Whiskey Neat from me!” - 5 Star Red Cheeks Reads (Whiskey Neat)
"Jack and Coke is a must read for fans of romantic suspense with a whole lot of competent humor mixed in, and a romance that's so real and raw that you can't help but relate to the characters and their struggles." - Literary Treasure Chest (Jack & Coke)
“I'm continuously jonesing for her next book to come out, so I HIGHLY HIGHLY HIGHLY HIGHLY and HIGHLY RECOMMEND!” - The Power of Three Readers (Vodka on the Rocks)
“I feel like this series keeps getting darker and darker with each installment and I can’t get enough!” - Books to Breathe (Bad Apple)
“I liked this newest addition to the Uncertain Saints series! It had action, suspense, teary-eyed moments, relationship drama & sexy times. The main characters, Ridley & Freya, had great chemistry together which made it very hard to put the book down!” - Amazon Customer (Dirty Mother)
“What can I say except that I loved it…again! Every single one of Lani’s books I completely devour. And I do frequently over and over again. She’s one of those authors I never get tired of and I always #oneclick no matter what.” - Alphas Do It Better Book Blog (Rusty Nail)

Retaliation, revenge and rage fuels him. His MC, The Uncertain Saint’s, do their best to offer support, but Griffin is beyond redemption. He’ll do what he has to do. Kill who he has to kill.
He doesn’t care if that means he dies. If it gets him what he wants, then it’s worth it.
He fakes it all until the night he walks into a sex shop for batteries and lays eyes on a woman that will change his life.
Lenore makes him think past tomorrow. Makes him want to see just what the future might bring.
But his life’s a dangerous one built around pain and deception, and not for the faint of heart.
He won’t give up the past, not until he’s done what he promised to do.
And if that means she’s not there when the dust settles, he’ll risk it.
Lenore, though, won’t give up on him. She’ll fix him, whether he wants her to or not.

Title: Whiskey Neat
Series: Uncertain Saint's MC #1
Published: March 3, 2016

Mig’s wife is a bitch.
How else do you describe a woman that lies, cheats and steals to get what she wants?
That’s exactly what happens when she traps him into a marriage he wants nothing to do with, saddling him with a kid that he knows doesn’t deserve to be in a world like his.
He’s doing a pretty bang-up job at ignoring everything but his responsibilities as a DEA officer and a member of The Uncertain Saints MC.
Then his neighbor knocks on his door, and everything he thought he knew is blown out the window.
Annie teaches Mig that not every woman is out to get him.
Her love for Mig stretches past what’s appropriate for two friends, and Annie soon straddles that invisible boundary between appropriate and inappropriate.
Annie’s not a cheater, though.
When she tries to say goodbye, Mig won’t let her leave, and soon the tiny town of Uncertain blows up with the news of Annie and Mig’s innocent friendship.
Matters of the heart are foreign to Mig, and it takes Annie being gutted for him to see the wrong he’s done.
He waits too long, though, and Annie’s heart is broken.
She wants it all, or she wants nothing. She can’t take anymore half-hearted attempts at being just friends.
The heart wants what it wants, and it doesn’t take long for Mig to realize that.
But just when Mig finally has it all in the palm of his hand, his life is ripped to shreds by a new player in the game, and it takes all of Annie’s love and devotion, as well as help from the men of The Uncertain Saint’s MC, to put Mig back together again.

Title: Jack & Coke
Series: Uncertain Saint's MC #2
Release Date: May 6, 2016

There are rules to life that one just obeys in order in her attempt stay on the right path. For example:
1. You don’t wear dirty panties out of the house. You just never know who’s going to see them.
2. A lady must always have chocolate at the ready—just in case the world as she knows it comes to an end.
3. You don’t egg on a drunk woman who’s pissed off at life.
Why, you ask? Because they start bar fights, that’s why.
Casten Red, the unofficial enforcer of The Uncertain Saints MC, wasn’t necessarily trying to urge her into doing anything illegal, and he definitely wasn’t trying to get her into a fight with a group of men who were all twice her size.
No, he only intended to give her the confidence to stand up for herself, just a little nudge in the right direction. How the hell was he supposed to know she’d go all Chuck Norris on them and put three of them in the hospital with concussions?
He should’ve followed his gut instinct and turned around that first moment he saw her in the bar, but Casten has never liked following the rules. Why the hell would he start now?

Title: Vodka on the Rocks
Series: Uncertain Saint's MC #3
Release Date: July 6, 2016

The thing about hitting rock bottom…
Ridley doesn’t think he has anything left to lose, not after the life he’s lived. Then he meets her, Freya Capone, the nurse who saves his life when the last thing he wants is to be saved.
One look at her, and he’s transfixed.
He doesn’t know what drives him to run by her house that night. Intuition. Sixth sense. Whatever it is, his gut screams at him to go, so he goes.
And thank God he does.
There isn’t any farther you can fall…
Freya hits bottom after her brother’s death. Her rock. Her best friend. Her everything. Gone.
She always knew it was a possibility that he might get hurt while on shift, but she never entertains the thought of him dying. Not until it’s too late.
She literally has nothing else to lose. Until she meets him. Ridley Walker. A biker with The Uncertain Saints MC and a local sheriff’s deputy.
The man responsible for taking away her best friend.
But at least you have a solid foundation to build upon…
The last thing Freya wants is to fall in love with the man responsible for her brother’s death. She doesn’t want to care that he is nearly killed. She doesn’t want to have anything to do with him.

He knows that pain makes you stronger…
Wolf isn’t always a good person, and he doesn’t hesitate to say what’s on his mind.
He is who he is, and he doesn’t offer apologies.
He isn’t out to impress anyone, and he doesn’t make excuses for his actions.
She knows that fear makes you braver…
Raven has made some bad decisions, and she’d give anything to go back in time and choose a different path.
The reality is that she can’t go back, and the day Wolf walks into her life, she finally realizes that maybe she doesn’t want to.
Wolf is everything she’s ever wanted, and the exact opposite of what she needs.
They both know heartbreak makes you wiser…
Wolf knows that this is not a good idea. There are a million reasons—all of them bad—telling him exactly why he should stay away.
But when Raven’s nightmares burst out of her dreams and into her reality, he doesn’t have a choice anymore.
He has to protect her, while somehow protecting his battered heart.

I’m a married mother of three. My kids are all under 5, so I can assure you that they are a handful. I’ve been with my paramedic husband now for ten years, and we’ve produced three offspring that are nothing like us. I live in the greatest state in the world, Texas.
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