Title: Guarding Eden (A Midway Novel)
Author: Cameo Renae
Genre: YA Fantasy
Publisher: CHBB
Cover Designer: Stefanie Saw
Edited by: Victoria Schmitz - Crimson Tide Editorial
Hosted by: Lady Amber's PR
***The Midway Novels are spin-offs of the Hidden Wings Series, but each book can be read as a standalone.***
Tucked away at an upscale, private boarding school in Brindle Hollow, Washington, seventeen-year-old Eden East comes face to face with a hideous creature on her walk back to her dorm. Shaken to her core, she's left questioning the world around her, and soon finds herself entering a friendship with a hot, new student named Alexander.
Little does she know, Alex is a Guardian Angel, sent from Midway to protect her from those dangerous creatures—known as Darkling—lurking in the forest outside Brindle Hall. It isn’t long before Alex learns this is no ordinary assignment. Eden’s existence holds a secret; something hidden from even herself.
Eden is thrust into a world where Fallen angels and creatures of the Underworld will stop at nothing to catch her. With Alex at her side and a little help from some of his old friends, they form a formidable front against the enemy.
Hopefully, it’s not too little, too late.
This is a great start to a new series by Cameo Renae. It is a spinoff from the Hidden Wings
series. You don’t need to read Hidden
Wings first. I have read the first three
Hidden Wings books, but it’s been three years. I think there is a re-read in my near future.
Eden East is at a boarding school. She’s getting ready to turn eighteen and
graduate high school. She has three
amazing best friends.
One night, everything changes because she saw a creature.
Everything really starts to change when a new guy starts at
the school.
Alex has been tasked to be Eden’s guardian.
She took finding out about everything pretty well.
I do feel there are some things missing. I can’t see Sebastian and the girls not
trying to figure out what happened while in Seattle.
It would have been awesome to see Alex take Eden to Grandia.
Overall, this is a great start and I will read more.
2013 Break Out Author by Young Adult & Teen Readers
2013 Book of the Year (Hidden Wings)
Cameo Renae was born in San Francisco, raised in Maui, Hawaii, and recently moved with her husband and children to Alaska.
She's a daydreamer and a caffeine and peppermint addict who loves to laugh, loves to read, and loves to escape reality. One of her greatest joys is creating fantasy worlds filled with adventure and romance and sharing it with others.
One day she hopes to find her own magic wardrobe and ride away on her magical unicorn. Until then...she'll keep writing!
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Amazon: http://amzn.to/2h74w1p
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